Do you struggle with pain or discomfort? Do you have an injury? We relieve pain & restore movement through Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology & Pilates

The physio will aim to discover the source of your pain. A verbal and physical assessment will take place. The area of concern will be assessed along with all the involved structures which could include muscle, joints, bone & nerve.
Treatment can include massage, spinal / joint mobilisation, dry needling, strapping and more! It all depends on the assessment and your goals!
We aim to use exercise therapy and sound rehabilitation so that you can manage your pain and optimise outcomes
Neck Pain
Thoracic tightness
Frozen Shoulder
Lower Back Pain
Hip Bursitis
Referral Pain
Ankle Sprain
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy
Planta Fasciitis
Pars Defect
Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome
Achillies Tendinopathy
Hip Impingement
Women’s Health
Piriformis Syndrome
Shoulder Bursitis
Facet Joint Irritation
Disc Prolapse
And More!

Exercise Physiology
Musculoskeletal assessment followed by a program design tailored to meet your needs & goals
Joseph Pilates
“If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old. If it is flexible at 60, you are young.”
“For health benefits, muscles need to be challenged”
Clinical Pilates
At SOMA we offer pilates in various forms. We offer Pilates to a wide range of body types and ages.
This session runs for 1 hour where it is just you and the physiotherapist going through your pilates program. The physiotherapist makes sure you are performing the tailored exercises correctly.
This session runs for 1 hour with a physiotherapist and 2 people. These sessions are great if you want to start with a friend or partner. The physiotherapist makes sure you both are performing the tailored exercises correctly.
Clinical Equipment Pilates classes run for 1 hour & have a maximum of 3 people. Each program is individualised that has been tailored by a physiotherapist. The class is supervised by a physiotherapist.
Our Mat classes are held at Banksia Park Hall for 1 hour. Everyone is doing the same exercises. The series of Mat exercises work on pelvic floor, glutes, core, abs, posture, balance and more! Call or text for more info!

Contact us.
Website booking in development.
For the time being, please contact me via email or sms 0425 480 235
If you would like me to call or text then please leave your number in the message section.